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vizcave CAVE clustered
In a typical CAVE setup each wall is rendered by a separate machine.
With Vizard's cluster support the different walls will remain in sync.
See the Clustering section for information
on configuring a cluster.
Example: Four-sided CAVE (clustered)
Here is a sample script that creates a four-sided cave using the vizcave module. The script uses the WASD keys
on the keyboard to move the location of the user's viewpoint. You can
also move the location of the origin of the CAVE around the virtual environment
using the arrow keys and the mouse.
Note: Set the appropriate
stereo mode (e.g. viz.QUAD_BUFFER) for your
display in the viz.go command.
import viz
import vizcave
import viztracker
# Declare constants defining the CAVE dimensions
W = 3.048 # 10 feet wide
H = 2.286 # 7.5 feet tall
D = 3.048 # 10 feet deep
W2 = W/2.0
C0 = -W2,H,0 # Front Wall: C1,C2,C5,C6
C1 = -W2,H,D # Left Wall:
C2 = W2,H,D
# Right Wall: C2,C3,C6,C7
C3 = W2,H,0
C4 = -W2,0,0
C5 = -W2,0,D
C6 = W2,0,D
C7 = W2,0,0
#Create front wall
FrontWall = vizcave.Wall( upperLeft=C1,
name='Front Wall' )
#Create left wall
LeftWall = vizcave.Wall( upperLeft=C0,
name='Left Wall' )
#Create right wall
RightWall = vizcave.Wall( upperLeft=C2,
name='Right Wall' )
#Create bottom wall
BottomWall = vizcave.Wall( upperLeft=C5,
name='Bottom Wall' )
#Initialize graphics window
#Create cave object
cave = vizcave.Cave()
#Add each wall, make sure that they are ordered in the cluster
software correctly to match this ordering
cave.addWall(FrontWall, mask=viz.MASTER)
cave.addWall(LeftWall, mask=viz.CLIENT1)
cave.addWall(RightWall, mask=viz.CLIENT2)
cave.addWall(BottomWall, mask=viz.CLIENT3)
Create tracker object that represents the users head position,
specifically the center of the eyes.
The position provided by the head tracker must be in the
same reference frame as the cave wall coordinates.
This will normally be a tracking sensor, but for this example
we will simulate a head tracker
using the keyboard (WASD keys).
head_tracker = viztracker.Keyboard6DOF()
head_tracker.setPosition (0.0,1.8,0.0)
Pass the head tracker to the cave object so it can automatically
update the
view frustums every frame based on the current head position
relative to each wall.
Create CaveView object for manipulating the virtual viewpoint.
cave_origin is a node that controls the position of the
cave within the virtual world.
For example, if you wanted to simulate the cave user flying
through an environment,
you would apply the transformation to the cave_origin node.
cave_origin = vizcave.CaveView(head_tracker)
The cave_origin node is a standard Vizard node that you
can apply any position/rotation to.
In this example we will create a keyboard/mouse tracker
(using arrow keys) and link it to
the cave_origin node, allowing us to fly the cave user through
the virtual environment.
origin_tracker = viztracker.KeyboardMouse6DOF()
origin_link =, cave_origin)
#Add gallery environment model