Vizard 8 » Reference » Input Devices » Other devices » ASL Eye Tracker

ASL Eye Tracker

This plug-in provides support for the Eye-Trac systems by Applied Science Laboratories (ASL).


The ASL plug-in is implemented as a Vizard extension. In order to use the plug-in you must first install the Eye-Trac drivers supplied by ASL. Within the Eye-Trac user interface, open the serial port configuration dialog and enable the streaming mode. Once all your settings are adjusted, save your configuration to a file and put the file in the same directory as your Vizard script or anywhere in the Vizard resource path. This configuration file is needed to connect to the serial output. Last, connect the SERIAL OUT port of Eye-Trac control unit to the computer running Vizard.


The ASL extension object has the following methods:




Connect to the eye tracker on the specified COM port using the settings from specified in the config file. This returns a sensor object.

The ASL eye tracker objects have the following methods in addition to the standard extension sensor methods:




Returns a list of all the value names being sent by the control unit.


Returns a value from the eye tracker with the given name or index. The name is case sensitive.


You can also access any value as a direct member of the eye tracker object.

Note: The ASL eye tracker object only supports position data. The position data represents the horz_gaze_coord and vert_gaze_coord values from the Eye-Trac device.


The following example shows how to connect to an ASL Eye-Trac device on COM1 using the configuration file asl.xml. It will print all the value names being sent by the Eye-Trac device.

asl = viz.add('asl.dle')

tracker = asl.addEyeTracker(port=1,config='asl.xml')

print( tracker.getValueNames())

The following example shows how to access values by index, name, or as direct attributes:

print( tracker.getValue(1))
print( tracker.getValue('pupil_diam'))
print( tracker.pupil_diam)