Vizard 8 » Tutorials & Examples » Python Programming » An example

An example

So what does all this have to do with virtual worlds? Let's run a script in Vizard and see. Open a new Vizard file and save it to a convenient location.


In this script, we'll treat some 3D objects as variables and manipulate them with some of our logic. The following lines will create a row of pigeons with a for statement. Read through them and then run the script:

import viz
import vizact


#Create an empty array to put some pigeons in.
pigeons = []
#Go through a loop six times.
for eachnumber in range(6):
    #Each time you go through the loop, create a new pigeon
    newPigeon = viz.addAvatar('pigeon.cfg')

    #Place the new pigeon on the x-axis.
    #Each time the script goes through the loop, "eachnumber"
    #will be one larger so the pigeons will fall in a line
    #along the x-axis
    newPigeon.setPosition([eachnumber, 0,5])

    #Add the new pigeon to the "pigeons" array.

    #If the new pigeon is one of the first two created,
    #make it spin around the x #axis.
    if eachnumber < 2:
    #If the new pigeon is one of the second two, make it spin around the y axis.
    elif eachnumber >= 2 and eachnumber < 4:
    #If the new pigeon is one of the remaining two,
    #make it spin around the z axis.

#move the view to see all pigeons

Speaking Vizard's language

A quick note: Tips on scripts

Looping logic

If-then logic


An example