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Biopac physiological recording
Biopac provides a large range of monitoring devices for detecting physical
or physiological changes over time. The Biopac virtual reality platform provides:
- Controlled and replicative experimental setups
- Manipulation of the environment (and avatars)
that would be impossible or prohibitively expensive in the real world
- Synchronization of the events from the virtual
world with physiological data
- Biofeedback
Using physical data with Vizard
Vizard supports interaction with the data provided from these devices using the module, a Python API for connecting to Biopac’s AcqKnowledge software. The connection to AcqKnowledge can be made locally or over the network. As long as the option is enabled in AcqKnowledge there is no need to specify a remote machine’s IP address in Vizard.
Software setup in AcqKnowledge
Enable the NDT protocol in AcqKnowledge in order to stream data to and from Vizard. In AcqKnowledge go to . Select the checkboxes for and . Next restart the AcqKnowledge software to activate the Network Data Transfer. This configuration only needs to be done once.
Send events to AcqKnowledge
A common reason for sending events signals are from Vizard to AcqKnowledge is to synchronize stimuli presented in the virtual environment with the physical data. To view the event markers in the AcqKnowledge graph enable from the
menu option. The following script shows how to send an event:
Press A to toggle acquisition
Press spacebar to drop a marker
import sys
import biopacndt
import viz
import vizact
import vizinfo
# Connect to the AcqKnowledge server
acqServer = biopacndt.AcqNdtQuickConnect()
except biopacndt.ACQException:
viz.log(viz.LOG_ERROR, 'Exiting application, no AcqKnowledge servers found')
def insert_marker():
acqServer.insertGlobalEvent('stimulus', '1', '')
vizact.onkeydown(' ', insert_marker)
vizact.onkeydown('a', acqServer.toggleAcquisition)
Recieve data in Vizard
The following example script shows how to get data streamed from AcqKnowledge in Vizard:
Press A to toggle acquisition
Press S to start the data server
Press D to stop the data server
The data server can only be started once
import sys
import biopacndt
import viz
import vizact
import vizinfo
# Connect to the AcqKnowledge server.
acqServer = biopacndt.AcqNdtQuickConnect()
except biopacndt.ACQException:
viz.log(viz.LOG_ERROR, 'Exiting application, no AcqKnowledge servers found')
# Change data connection method to single. The single data connection
# mode means that AcqKnowledge will make a single TCP network connection to
# deliver the data, all channels being delivered over that same connection.
if acqServer.getDataConnectionMethod() != 'single':
print('Data Connection Method Changed to: single')
def print_data(index, frame, channelsInSlice):
print(index, frame)
enabledChannels = acqServer.DeliverAllEnabledChannels()
singleConnectPort = acqServer.getSingleConnectionModePort()
dataServer = biopacndt.AcqNdtDataServer(singleConnectPort, enabledChannels )
dataServer.RegisterCallback('print_data', print_data)
vizact.onkeydown('a', acqServer.toggleAcquisition)
vizact.onkeydown('s', dataServer.Start)
vizact.onkeydown('d', dataServer.Stop)
Additional information
For additional information, please visit