Vizard 8 » Tutorials & Examples » 3D models » Creating 3D models on-the-fly » Tutorial: Finding shapes

Tutorial: Finding shapes

In this section of the tutorial we'll determine when a shape has been found by the user and mark it's location in the bird's eye map.


First, let's create an OTF layer of points to use for marking the map:

#Add points for found shapes
points = viz.endLayer()

Proximity to a shape will be the factor that determines when it has been found. For this we'll import the vizproximity library:

import vizproximity

Next, a fading action is defined that will be applied to shapes that are found by the user:

#Create action for when shape is found
fadeColor = vizact.fadeTo(viz.BLUE,time=2)
fadeAlpha = vizact.fadeTo(0.4,time=3)
fade = vizact.parallel(fadeColor,fadeAlpha)

Finally, code is added that sets up and handles proximity events. Proximity sensors are applied to each shape and the viewpoint is made a proximity target. When the target enters the range of one of the sensors the following occurs:

def FoundShape(e):
    """Called when the viewpoint enters the proximity area of a shape"""

    # Remove shape sensor from proximity manager

    # Add fade action to shape
    shape = e.sensor.getSourceObject()

    # Add found position to points

    # Show message when all shapes have been found
    if not e.manager.getSensors():
        vizinfo.InfoPanel('Good Job! Game over.',align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER,icon=False)
# Create proximity manager
manager = vizproximity.Manager()

#Use main viewpoint as proximity target

# Add a spherical proximity sensor for each shape
sphere = vizproximity.Sphere(2.0)
for s in shapes:
    sensor = vizproximity.Sensor(shape=sphere, source=s)

Run the code now and see what happens when you get near a shape.

Creating an on-the-fly object

Changing vertices on-the-fly

Adding shapes

Finding Shapes