Vizard 8 » Reference » Input Devices » Position and Orientation Trackers » Xsens MT

Xsens MT plug-in

This plug-in provides support for the Xsens MT series of tracking devices. The Xsens MT only supports rotation data.


The Xsens plug-in is implemented as a Vizard extension. The Xsens extension object has the following methods:



<xsens>.getSensorList() Returns a list of all detected Xsens sensors. This is the preferred method for connecting to sensors.


Use this method only to connect to legacy serial based sensors. Returns Xsens MT sensor at specified port and baudRate. If port is 0, then the plug-in will search for the next available device. If baudRate is 0, then the device baud rate will be automatically determined.

Note: When connecting to a wireless device, you must first configure the wireless connection within the Xsens MT Manager software. Once the device is properly configured and outputting data within MT Manager, you can close the application and connect to the device within Vizard.


The following example shows how to detect all available Xsens MT devices:

# Create xsens extenstion 
xsens = viz.add('xsens.dle') 

# Get all connected sensors
sensors = xsens.getSensorList() 

# Print sensor device names
for s in sensors: