Vizard 8 » Command Index » Vizard objects » animationpath » <animationpath>.setTime


Set the time of the animation path

Time, in seconds


This command will manually set the time of the animation path.

The time is relative to the time of the first control point. For example, if the first control point time is 1 second, then setting a time of 0 will essentially place the path at the first control point.

If the time is greater than the duration of the path, then the behavior will be dependent on the current loop mode.

The constant speed setting is taken into account when changing the time. For example, if constant speed is enabled and set to 10 m/s, then setting the time to 1 will place the path at 10 meters from the first control point.

Setting the time is NOT affected by the path speed factor (<animationpath>.setSpeed).

Setting the time will NOT trigger any events that have been added to the path.

Return Value


See also
