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Turns on fog
<scene>.fog( |
start/density |
end = -1 |
) |
The start distance of the fog or the density, depending on the value of end.
end = -1
If a value is specified then this represents the end distance for fog. If no value is specified then the exponential fog is used.
The fog equations used depend on the parameters supplied. If a start and end values are given, then linear fogging is enabled in which no fog appears before start distance from the observer and 100% density is reached at end distance from the observer. If only a density is given, then an exponential dropoff function is used (OpenGL's GL_EXP) that's continuous from 0 to infinity.
Return Value
#Set fog color to gray
#Use linear fog that start from 1 meter in front of the user and end at 10 meters in front of the user
#Use exponential fog