Vizard 8 » Command Index » Vizard modules » viz » <viz>.addExtension


Add an extension object

command = 0  
mesg = ''  
x = 0.0  
y = 0.0  
z = 0.0  
w = 0.0  
cls = None  
Filename of extension, which is typically a DLE file type
command = 0
Optional command argument to pass to extension
mesg = ''
Optional message argument to pass to extension
x = 0.0
Optional x argument to pass to extension
y = 0.0
Optional y argument to pass to extension
z = 0.0
Optional z argument to pass to extension
w = 0.0
Optional w argument to pass to extension
cls = None
Custom extension class to use when creating the object. Should be derived from viz.VizExtension. If None, then it will use the extension class specified within the plugin or the base viz.VizExtension class.


This command loads the specified extension object. Extensions are plugins that can provide access to hardware devices, create custom nodes/textures, or provide some other extra functionality.

Return Value

<extension> object. The list of methods available on the object depends on the extension.


# Load VRPN extension
vrpn = viz.addExtension('vrpn7.dle')