Vizard 7 » Command Index » Vizard modules » viz » <viz>.clip


Sets the near and far clipping distances

near # Near clipping distance (meters)
far # Far clipping distance (meters)
Specifies the near clipping distance in meters.
Specifies the far clipping distance in meters.


Use this command to expand or reduce the size of the view frustum. The view frustum is the pyramidal viewing volume. Any geometry not within the view frustum is automatically culled from the scene. This can be used as an effective way to handle a large scene database without drastically affecting performance.

Large clipping ranges (e.g., viz.clip(.1, 100000)) compared to small ranges (e.g., viz.clip(.5, 100)) can result in undesirable jagged artifacts due to hardware z-buffer resolution limitations.

Return Value



viz.clip(0.5, 100)

See also
