Vizard 8 » Command Index » Vizard modules » vizcave » <vizcave:Cave>.setTracker


Set tracker objects used to update the cave

pos = None  
ori = None  
leftPos = None  
rightPos = None  
pos = None
Position tracker. Must be specified if NOT using stereo.
ori = None
Orientation tracker. Will be combined with position tracker for stereo.
leftPos = None
Left eye position tracker. Will be combined with right position tracker for stereo tracking.
rightPos = None
Right eye position tracker. Will be combined with left position tracker for stereo tracking.


This command sets the tracker objects used to update the projection frustum of the cave. The tracker objects should be linkable objects, usually a sensor. For stereo tracking you must specify either a position and orientation tracker or a left/right position tracker. When specifying a position/orientation tracker, the current IPD value of the cave will be used to calculate the left/right eye position.

Note: The position of the tracker must be in the same units used to specify the dimensions of the cave walls.

Important: This command will only adjust the center of projection for the view frustum. It should NOT be used to try and move the cave through the virtual world. If you implement this incorrectly then you will get highly distorted images.

If you want to move the cave through the virtual world, you should use vizcave.CaveView().

Return Value


See also
