Vizard 8 » Command Index » Vizard modules » viztask » <viztask>.waitNetwork


Wait for a network event

sender = None  
address = None  
port = None  
sender = None
Name of sender, list of names, or None to allow any sender
address = None
IP address of sender, list of addresses, or None to allow any address
port = None
Port number, list of ports, or None to allow any port


This command creates a Condition object that will wait for a network event from the specified sender, address , and port.

The yielded command returns a viz.Data object with the following information about the condition:



A list of network events that were received

Return Value

viztask.Condition object


import viz
import vizact
import viztask

def WaitNetworkTask():

    while True:

        # Wait for network event from localhost
        data = yield viztask.waitNetwork(address='')

        # Process events
        for e in

viztask.schedule( WaitNetworkTask() )

network = viz.addNetwork('localhost')

def SendData():
    network.send( message='hello world', frame=viz.getFrameNumber() )
vizact.onkeydown(' ',SendData)

See also
