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Returns whether an object is culled by the windows view frustum
<window>.isCulled( |
node |
name = '' |
eye = viz.BOTH_EYE |
) |
A node object to check the culling status of.
name = ''
Name of sub-child to check cull status of
eye = viz.BOTH_EYE
Controls which eye to perform the cull test on. Can be viz.BOTH_EYE, viz.LEFT_EYE, or viz.RIGHT_EYE.
This command will calculate whether the given node is currently visible by the windows view frustum. The view frustum is calculated using the camera position/orientation and the projection matrix of the window.
Return Value
0 if the node is visible.
1 if the node is culled.
ball = viz.add('ball.wrl')
if viz.MainWindow.isCulled(ball):
print('The ball is not visible')