Vizard 8 » Tutorials & Examples » Example scripts » Networking » Robo Chase

Robo Chase


This program demonstrates how to connect two Vizard sessions together using the network feature.  This only requires that two machines be in the same network domain but does not require TCP so the computers don't need IP addresses.

# WorldViz Copyright 2011
# This program demonstrates how to connect two Vizard sessions
# together using the network feature.  This only requires that
# two machines be in the same network domain but does not
# require TCP so the computers don't need IP addresses.
# On each computer, the other user is represented as a robot.  When
# the other person moves around, you'll see the robot go.

import viz
import vizact
import vizinput
import steve


# Use the steve module to represent the other user.
# You will actually have no representation of yourself on your own monitor.
player_matrix = viz.Matrix()
avatar = steve.Steve()

# Add the world
maze = viz.addChild('maze.osgb')

#Use a prompt to ask the user the network name of the other computer.
target_machine = vizinput.input('Enter the name of the other machine').upper()

#Add a mailbox from which to send messages. This is your outbox.
target_mailbox = viz.addNetwork(target_machine)

def sendPosition():

    #Retrieve current transform of viewpoint
    mat = viz.MainView.getMatrix()

    #Send position/rotation to target network object
    target_mailbox.send(action=updatePlayer, quat=mat.getQuat(), pos=mat.getPosition())

# Start a timer that sends out data over the network every frame

def updatePlayer(e):

# Listens for any incoming messages
def onNetwork(e):
    if e.sender.upper() == target_machine:

# Register network to listen from incoming messages
viz.callback(viz.NETWORK_EVENT, onNetwork)