Open topic with navigation
Forces & materials
This script demonstrates affecting a nodes physical behaviors.
Move the sliders and reset with the spacebar
to see how a nodes physical properties affect its behavior.
Click on an object to apply a force.
To move viewpoint use WASD keyboard controls.
import viz
import vizact
import vizinfo
#Turn on the physics engine
#Interface to change box characteristics
boxInfo = vizinfo.InfoPanel('Box Material Characteristics', align=viz.ALIGN_LEFT_TOP)
boxScale = boxInfo.addLabelItem('Scale',viz.addSlider())
boxDensity = boxInfo.addLabelItem('Density',viz.addSlider())
boxFriction = boxInfo.addLabelItem('Friction',viz.addSlider())
boxHardness = boxInfo.addLabelItem('Hardness',viz.addSlider())
boxBounce = boxInfo.addLabelItem('Bounce',viz.addSlider())
boxForce = boxInfo.addLabelItem('Force',viz.addSlider())
#Initial material settings
boxScale.set( .5 )
boxDensity.set( .5 )
boxForce.set( .3 )
#Interface to change ball characteristics
ballInfo = vizinfo.InfoPanel( 'Ball Material Characteristics', align=viz.ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP)
ballScale = ballInfo.addLabelItem('Scale',viz.addSlider())
ballDensity = ballInfo.addLabelItem('Density',viz.addSlider())
ballFriction = ballInfo.addLabelItem('Friction',viz.addSlider())
ballHardness = ballInfo.addLabelItem('Hardness',viz.addSlider())
ballBounce = ballInfo.addLabelItem('Bounce',viz.addSlider())
ballForce = ballInfo.addLabelItem('Force',viz.addSlider())
#Initial material settings
ballScale.set( .5 )
ballDensity.set( .5 )
ballForce.set( .3 )
#Add lab
lab = viz.addChild('lab.osgb')
#Add one of the colliding objects
box = viz.addChild( 'crate.osgb' )
#Add the other colliding object
ball = viz.addChild( 'beachball.osgb' )
def reset():
#Reset box
#Place object in its starting position
boxStartPOS = [ -3, .75, 2 ]
box.setPosition( boxStartPOS )
box.setEuler( [0, 0, 0] )
#Scale according to slider
scaleFactor = boxScale.get() * 2
box.setScale( [scaleFactor]*3 )
#Tell the box to collide as if it were a box and get the handle to its physics object
box.collideNone() #remove existing physical shapes
boxPhysicalShape = box.collideBox() #create new physical shape
#Set the material properties from the sliders
boxPhysicalShape.density = boxDensity.get()
boxPhysicalShape.friction = boxFriction.get()
boxPhysicalShape.hardness = boxHardness.get()
boxPhysicalShape.bounce = boxBounce.get()
#Place object on collision course with speed determined by the force slider
box.applyForce( dir = [ 10 * boxForce.get(), 0, 0 ], duration=0.1, pos = boxStartPOS )
#Reset Ball
#Place object in its starting position
ballStartPOS = [ 3, .5, 2 ]
ball.setPosition( ballStartPOS )
ball.setEuler( [0, 0, 0] )
#Scale according to slider
scaleFactor = ballScale.get() * 2
ball.setScale( [scaleFactor]*3 )
#Tell the ball to collide as if it were a sphere and get the handle to its physics object
ball.collideNone() #remove existing physical shapes
ballPhysicalShape = ball.collideSphere() #create new physical shape
#Set the material properties from the sliders
ballPhysicalShape.density = ballDensity.get()
ballPhysicalShape.friction = ballFriction.get()
ballPhysicalShape.hardness = ballHardness.get()
ballPhysicalShape.bounce = ballBounce.get()
#Place object on collision course with speed determined by the force slider
ball.applyForce( dir = [ -10 * ballForce.get(), 0, 0 ], duration=0.1, pos = ballStartPOS )
vizact.onkeydown( ' ', reset )
#use keyboard navigation and use mouse for applying forces to objects
import vizcam
#Push objects around with mouse clicks
def pushObject():
info = viz.pick( True ) #Get object that cursor is pointing at
if info.valid and ( info.object == ball or info.object ==box ):
#Create a vector from the mouse position into the world
line = viz.MainWindow.screenToWorld(viz.mouse.getPosition())
vec = viz.Vector( line.dir )
vec.setLength( 1 )
info.object.applyForce( dir = vec, duration = 0.1, pos = info.point )
return True
vizact.onmousedown(viz.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT, pushObject)
#Move viewpoint so that it can see the action
viz.MainView.setPosition([0, 2, -5])