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Instant messenger
This script demonstrates how to pass messages to another computer. Type
a message in the box and press 'Send' to send the message. When you receive
a message it will appear in the box, and the avatars mouth will move.
"""This script demonstrates how to pass messages to another computer.
Type a message in the box below and press the button to send the message.
When you receive a message it will appear in this box,
and the avatars mouth will move."""
import viz
import vizact
import vizinfo
import viztask
import vizinput
from random import random
# Create the display box for incoming messages
info = vizinfo.InfoPanel(align=viz.ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP)
# Get the target machine name from user input
targetmachine = vizinput.input('Enter the name of the machine you want to connect to').upper()
# Add a mailbox for the target machine
TargetMailBox = viz.addNetwork(targetmachine)
#Add the avatar
avatar = viz.addAvatar('vcc_male2.cfg')
avatar.mouthPos = 0.0
#Get jaw bone
jawBone = avatar.getBone('Bip01 MJaw')
def GetTalkSpeed():
return (random() * 5) + 5
def AnimateAvatarTask(message, sender):
# Set the text display to the message text
# Set the title of the info
info.setTitle('Message from: ' + sender)
# Show the message
# Get talk speed
talkSpeed = GetTalkSpeed()
# Perform talking animation
talkTime = viz.getFrameTime() + max(3.0, len(message) / 10.0)
while viz.getFrameTime() < talkTime:
# Animate the avatar talking
avatar.mouthPos += talkSpeed * viz.getFrameElapsed()
if avatar.mouthPos > 1.0 and talkSpeed > 0:
talkSpeed *= -1
elif avatar.mouthPos < 0.0 and talkSpeed < 0:
talkSpeed = GetTalkSpeed()
# Update jaw bone
jawBone.setEuler([0,avatar.mouthPos*7,0], viz.AVATAR_LOCAL)
# Wait a frame
yield None
# Animate mouth back to 0
while avatar.mouthPos > 0.0:
# Reduce mouth position
avatar.mouthPos -= viz.getFrameElapsed() * talkSpeed
avatar.mouthPos = max(avatar.mouthPos, 0.0)
# Update jaw bone
jawBone.setEuler([0,avatar.mouthPos*7,0], viz.AVATAR_LOCAL)
# Wait a frame
yield None
# Hide the text
def NetworkTask():
animateTask = None
while True:
# Wait for network event
data = yield viztask.waitNetwork()
# Kill existing animation task
if animateTask:
# Create animation task
e =[0]
animateTask = viztask.schedule(AnimateAvatarTask(e.message, e.sender))
def EnterTextTask():
# Create info panel for entering text
sendTextPanel = vizinfo.InfoPanel('', icon=False,title='Send Text',align=viz.ALIGN_LEFT_BOTTOM)
sendButton = sendTextPanel.addItem(viz.addButtonLabel('Send'))
# Setup handler for send button
def OnSend():
# Get current text message
message = sendTextPanel.getText()
if message:
# Send the current text to the mailbox
# Reset the text to nothing
vizact.onbuttondown(sendButton, OnSend)
# Loop that processes keyboard events
while True:
# Wait for a key to be entered
data = yield viztask.waitKeyDown(None)
# Get current text
message = sendTextPanel.getText()
# If the length of the key is 1 then
# the input is a normal character
if len(data.key ) == 1:
message += data.key
elif data.key == viz.KEY_RETURN:
#If the key is the return key then add the newline character
message += '\n'
elif data.key == viz.KEY_BACKSPACE:
#If the key is the backspace key then remove the last character
message = message[:len(message)-1]
# Update the input text
#Disable mouse navigation
#Set the background color