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Event handling
This script demonstrates
event handling.
Move the mouse over the blue texture quads.
They change color due to a class member function
that is registered as a callback handler.
import viz
import vizact
import vizinfo
#Generate a unique event ID for our custom event
MOUSE_OVER_QUAD_EVENT = viz.getEventID( 'MouseOverQuad' )
#Add texture quads to the screen
quadLeft = viz.addTexQuad( viz.SCREEN )
quadLeft.setPosition( [.2, .5, 0] )
quadLeft.color( viz.BLUE )
quadLeft.isRed = 0
quadRight = viz.addTexQuad( viz.SCREEN )
quadRight.setPosition( [.7, .5, 0] )
quadRight.color( viz.BLUE )
quadRight.isRed = 0
#Our custom event class that acts on MOUSE_OVER_QUAD_EVENT events
class QuadColorChanger(viz.EventClass):
def __init__(self):
#Call super class constructor
#When MOUSE_OVER_QUAD_EVENT occurs, call the member function onMouseOver
self.callback( MOUSE_OVER_QUAD_EVENT, self.onMouseOver )
#Setup event count displayer
self.__eventCount = 0
self.__countDisplay = viz.addText( '0', parent=viz.ORTHO, fontSize=40, pos=(10,10,0) )
def onMouseOver( self, quad ):
print('Changing quad color')
#Increment and display event counter
self.__eventCount += 1
self.__countDisplay.message( str(self.__eventCount) )
#Change quad's color
if quad.isRed == 1:
quad.color( viz.BLUE )
quad.isRed = 0
quad.color( viz.RED )
quad.isRed = 1
#Stop this event from being passed to any other handlers
return True
#Create instance of our custom event so that it can receive events
colorChanger = QuadColorChanger()
#Create a class that never gets the event because <QuadColorChanger>.onMouseOver returns true
class NeverGetsQuadEvent(viz.EventClass):
def __init__(self):
#When MOUSE_OVER_QUAD_EVENT occurs, call the member function neverGetsCalled
self.callback( MOUSE_OVER_QUAD_EVENT, self.neverGetsCalled )
def neverGetsCalled( self, quad ):
print('I am not printed')
soSad = NeverGetsQuadEvent()
class HighPriority(viz.EventClass):
def __init__(self):
#When MOUSE_OVER_QUAD_EVENT occurs, call the member function calledFirst
self.callback( MOUSE_OVER_QUAD_EVENT, self.calledFirst, priority = -1 )
def calledFirst( self, quad ):
print('Called first')
firstToGetEvent = HighPriority()
#Used so that event is not called when mouse rests on a quad
lastPickedObject = None
#Check if the mouse is over a quad and send event
def checkMouse():
global lastPickedObject
#Check if the mouse is over one of the boxes
quad = viz.pick( False, viz.SCREEN )
if quad == quadLeft or quad == quadRight:
#If quad is an viz object and has not just been picked
if quad.valid() and quad != lastPickedObject:
#Trigger our custom event
viz.sendEvent( MOUSE_OVER_QUAD_EVENT, quad )
#Set the picked object as our lastPickedObject
lastPickedObject = quad
#Create and start a timer that checks every frame if the mouse is over a box