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Tutorial: vizconnect Avatar and Tool Introduction

In Vizconnect, an avatar represents the user in the virtual environment. It can be visualized from either a 1st or 3rd person point of view and is animated using tracking data and inverse kinematics (IK). In addition, there's an avatar option used to track just a user's head and hands.  This is useful when you don't want to visualize an entire avatar body but require hands for object interaction.


Tools allow the user to interact with the environment and perform actions such as grabbing, highlighting, shooting, and more. They require input signals to trigger their actions and are typically represented by a model in the virtual world. For example, a grabber tool could be triggered by glove gestures, mouse buttons, or keypresses and linked to an avatar hand or pointer model.


In this tutorial we'll configure a grabber tool to move objects around the environment.

Avatar and Tool Introduction



Tool Events

Avatar Gestures

Avatar Head and Hands