Vizard 8 » Reference » Tools » Tools Introduction


Tools are virtual objects used to manipulate the environment. They require input signals to trigger their actions and are linked to objects in the virtual world. For example, a grabber tool could be triggered by glove gesture, mouse button, or keypress signals and linked to an avatar hand or pointer model.

Note: Tools can be added through the vizconnect interface. See the Avatars and Tools tutorial for step by step instructions.


A tool for grabbing and moving objects in the scene.  


A tool for highlighting objects. A ray is drawn from the highlighter location to the intersecting object. The main purpose of the highlighter is in collaborative tasks.


A tool for examining objects. Highlight an object in the distance and bring it close to the viewpoint.

Measuring Tape

A tool for measuring the distance between two points. Draw rays to define the start and end points of the line to measure.



A tool for drawing in 3D space or on object surfaces.

Laser Pointer

A tool for pointing in the scene. The distance from the pointer to the intersecting object is displayed.