Vizard 7 » Reference » Viewpoints & Windows » Viewpoints » Camera handlers

Camera handlers

Mouse navigation is the default in Vizard worlds, but you can also define your own methods of to move the main viewpoint. Vizard camera handlers provide a framework for controlling the navigational interface and behavior.

Note: If you're using a position or orientation sensor for navigation,  link the viewpoint to the sensor to handle viewpoint navigation.

Camera handlers work by creating a class that inherits from CameraHandler. This new class will override Vizard's standard CameraHandler callback methods (such as _camKeyDown ( self, e ), _camMouseMove( self, e ), and _camUpdate( self, e ). To kick you camera handler class into gear, call<your class>).

#Create custom camera handler
class MyCameraHandler( viz.CameraHandler ):

    def _camMouseDown( self, e ):
        if e.button == viz.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT:
            #move view down
            e.view.move( 0, -1, 0 )
        elif e.button == viz.MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHT:
            #move view up
            e.view.move( 0, 1, 0 )

#Set camera handler MyCameraHandler() )
#Remove camera handler on spacebar (will revert to built-in camera handler)
vizact.onkeydown( ' ',, None )

See also

In this section:

Viewpoint basics

Moving and rotating a viewpoint

Viewpoint collision and gravity

Viewpoint command table

Other sections:

Linking basics

Viewpoint and Window basics

Stereo basics

Animation path basics

Action basics

Tutorial: Viewpoint control

Tutorial: Windows & views

Example scripts:

Viewpoint camera control

Viewpoint animation