Creates a linkable object that blends between two linkables by a specified blend amount
This command creates a new linkable object that blends between a specified begin and end linkable objects. When the blend amount is 0, the blend linkable will use 100% of the begin linkable. When the blend amount is 1, the blend linkable will use 100% of the end linkable. For blend values between 0 and 1, the blend linkable will interpolate between the two linkables.
import viz
import vizact
import vizshape
#Create begin object
begin = vizshape.addAxes(length = 0.2,pos=(-2,0,8))
#Create end object
end = vizshape.addAxes(length = 0.2,pos=(2,2,8))
#Create blend linkable
blend = viz.blendLinkable(begin, end)
#Create marker to attach to blend linkable
arrow = vizshape.addArrow()
link =,arrow,mask=viz.LINK_ALL)