Vizard 8 » Reference » Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) » HTML and web browsers » vizhtml introduction

vizhtml introduction

The vizhtml module provides three types of functionality:

HTML forms are commonly used to pass data from a browser to a web server. Data is entered through input fields (e.g. text fields, check boxes, radio buttons) and submitted with a button click. The vizhtml module supports collecting data from HTML forms displayed in the Vizard graphics window and within a remote browser on the local network.


WebSockets are a new technology, so you will need a browser that supports it. Using vizhtml's support for WebSocket communication, data can be sent back and forth between Vizard and a browser. For example, someone could get information about a running Vizard program through a web page and simultaneously send feedback or instructions to the user.

vizhtml introduction

HTML Forms in Vizard

HTML Forms in a remote browser

Collecting form data

Local HTTP server and URLs
