Vizard 7 » Reference » Stereo & Displays » Stereo Modes » Anaglyphic (red/cyan glasses)

Anaglyphic (red/cyan glasses)

Use this method to view stereoscopy with the use of red/cyan glasses. This can be presented to virtually any display device and works by drawing both left and right channel images simultaneously but color separated. This is not tied to a particular display device but rather requires red/cyan glasses.

Understanding Anaglyphic Stereo

Anaglyphs are one of the earliest methods devised to portray stereoscopic images with the least sophisticated hardware. No lenses or polarized filters are needed. Instead, all that is required to view an anaglyph is a red/cyan filter placed over the left and right eyes. The viewed image is built in a way that codes the imagery intended to be seen by the left eye as cyan and likewise red for the right. This allows one image to contain information intended to be seen almost exclusively by a single eye.


You can use this mode with any environments that you create in Vizard.

Implementing Anaglyphic Stereo

The following script illustrates all that is necessary to create a world in frame sequential stereo mode:

# The following illustrates how to start a graphics environment that renders anaglyphic stereo.
import viz

Once this mode is activated, you will need a pair of red/cyan glasses to view the resulting images.

See also

In this section:

Frame parallel

Frame sequential

Line interlaced

Other sections:

Elumens Dome

nVis HMDs

ACT Kern


Fakespace Labs Wide5




Sony HMDs