Vizard 8 » Reference » Stereo & Displays » Stereo Modes » Frame parallel

Frame Parallel Stereo

Use this mode for devices that accept separate inputs for the left and right eye channels.

Implementing Frame Parallel Stereo

Frame parallel stereo can be implemented by rendering the two eyes horizontally or vertically. The code below shows how to initialize horizontal stereo:

import viz
viz.go(viz.STEREO_HORZ | viz.FULLSCREEN)

The following code illustrates all that is necessary to create a world with vertically split stereo:

import viz
viz.go(viz.STEREO_VERT | viz.FULLSCREEN)

Understanding Frame Parallel Stereo

This mode is generally the highest quality as it contains the most information both spatially and temporally. This is true because the left and right eyes are simulated at full resolution and both at the highest frame rates your graphics generator will support. The hardware requirement for this option is also the highest, as it requires both a graphics card that supports dual channel output and an accompanying main computer that can support rendering both channels at the targeted frame rate. For information on recommended graphics card, see the section on Recommended Display Devices.


If you have two monitors connected to your graphics card already, then in doing so you will see that the left eye image is presented to the primary monitor and the right eye image is presented to the secondary monitor. If you try to use either the viz.STEREO_HORZ or viz.STEREO_VERT flags with a single monitor, you will see a view of your environment that shows both eyes together. This can sometimes be useful for testing stereo or benchmarking your expected frame parallel stereo performance (this is because Vizard will perform all the calculations required and you can use that to gauge your new frame rate even though Vizard shows both images on a single monitor).

See also

In this section:

Frame sequential

Line interlaced

Anaglyphic (red/cyan glasses)

Other sections:

Elumens Dome

nVis HMDs

ACT Kern


Fakespace Labs Wide5




Sony HMDs