Vizard 8 » Reference » Shaders » Post-Process Effects » Blur effects

Blur effects

The vizfx.postprocess.blur library is a collection of effects that perform various kinds of blurring on the rendered image.



Applies a gaussian blur to the image.




    blurRadius = 0,

    blurScale = 0.0,

    downsample = 0.5


Create the gaussian blur effect with the initial blur radius, scale, and downsample values.




Set the blur radius, in pixels. A higher radius make the image blurrier, but requires more processing time.


Get the blur radius, in pixels.


Set the blur scale. Scaling upwards will increase the blurriness without needing extra processing, but at a loss in quality.


Get the blur scale. This effectively scales the radius, without increasing the number of samples taken.


Set the downsample scale factor for the incoming image before performing the blur.

Lowering the downsample size will reduce processing time, but at a loss in quality.


Get the downsample scale factor.


This effect can be registered with vizconfig.

import vizfx.postprocess
from vizfx.postprocess.blur import GaussianBlurEffect
effect = GaussianBlurEffect(blurRadius=15)


Applies a box blur to the image. A box blur is an unweighted blur filter that simply takes the average of the neighboring pixels.




    blurRadius = 0,

    blurScale = 0.0,

    downsample = 0.5


Create the gaussian blur effect with the initial blur radius, scale, and downsample values.





Set the blur radius, in pixels. A higher radius make the image blurrier, but requires more processing time.


Get the blur radius, in pixels.


Set the blur scale. Scaling upwards will increase the blurriness without needing extra processing, but at a loss in quality.


Get the blur scale. This effectively scales the radius, without increasing the number of samples taken.


Set the downsample scale factor for the incoming image before performing the blur.

Lowering the downsample size will reduce processing time, but at a loss in quality.


Get the downsample scale factor.

This effect can be registered with vizconfig.

import vizfx.postprocess
from vizfx.postprocess.blur import BoxBlurEffect
effect = BoxBlurEffect(blurRadius=15)


Applies a directional blur to the image. All the pixels will be blurred along a single specified direction vector.




    distance = 0.0,

    angle = 0.0,

    samples = 20


Create the directional blur effect with the initial distance, angle, and blur samples.




Set the distance along the direction vector to blur, in pixels.


Get the distance along the direction vector to blur, in pixels.


Set the direction angle to blur along, in degrees. 0 is upward, and positive angles go clockwise.


Get direction angle to blur along, in degrees.


Set the number of blur samples per pixel. More samples make the blur smoother, but requires more computation.


Get the number of blur samples per pixel.

This effect can be registered with vizconfig.

import vizfx.postprocess
from vizfx.postprocess.blur import DirectionalBlurEffect
effect = DirectionalBlurEffect(angle=60, distance=40)


Applies a zoom blur to the image. All the pixels will be blurred towards the specified center of the image.




    zoom = 0.0,

    radius = 0.0,

    center = (0.5,0.5),

    samples = 20


Create the zoom blur effect with the initial zoom factor, radius, center, and blur samples.




Set the zoom factor. A positive value zooms in and negative zooms out.


Get the zoom factor.


Set the radius about the center where the blurring will begin. The radius is in normalized (0-1) image units.


Get the radius in normalized (0-1) image units.


Set the zoom [x,y] center in normalized (0-1) image units.


Get the zoom [x,y] center in normalized (0-1) image units.


Set the number of blur samples per pixel. More samples make the blur smoother, but requires more computation.


Get the number of blur samples per pixel.

This effect can be registered with vizconfig.

import vizfx.postprocess
from vizfx.postprocess.blur import ZoomBlurEffect
effect = ZoomBlurEffect(zoom=0.2)


Applies a radial blur to the image. All the pixels will be blurred around the specified center of the image.




    angle = 0.0,

    radius = 0.0,

    center = (0.5,0.5),

    samples = 20


Create the radial blur effect with the initial blur angle, radius, center, and blur samples.




Set the radial blur angle, in degrees. The image will be rotated about the specified center in the given angle range.


Get the radial blur angle, in degrees.


Set the radius about the center where the blurring will begin. The radius is in normalized (0-1) image units.


Get the radius in normalized (0-1) image units.


Set the radial blur [x,y] center in normalized (0-1) image units.


Get the radial blur [x,y] center in normalized (0-1) image units.


Set the number of blur samples per pixel. More samples make the blur smoother, but requires more computation.


Get the number of blur samples per pixel.

This effect can be registered with vizconfig.

import vizfx.postprocess
from vizfx.postprocess.blur import RadialBlurEffect
effect = RadialBlurEffect(angle=5)


Applies a fragment blur to the image. Multiple copies (fragments) of the image are drawn at a specified distance and in equal angular increments from the center.




    distance = 0,

    angle = 0.0,

    samples = 4


Create the fragment blur effect with the initial distance , angle, and fragment samples.




Set the distance of each fragment in pixels.


Get the distance of each fragment in pixels.


Set rotation angle offset of each fragment, in degrees.


Get rotation angle offset of each fragment, in degrees.


Set the number of blur samples per pixel. More samples make the blur smoother, but requires more computation.


Get the number of blur samples per pixel.

This effect can be registered with vizconfig.

import vizfx.postprocess
from vizfx.postprocess.blur import FragmentBlurEffect
effect = FragmentBlurEffect(distance=4)

Tilt Shift

Applies a tilt shift blur to the image. This effectively creates a plane across the image that is in focus and the pixels gradually become unfocused (blurred) as they move away from the plane.




    focusSize = 0.3,

    gradientSize = 0.3,

    blurRadius = 0.0,

    blurScale = 1.0,

    angle = 0.0,

    center = (0.5, 0.5),

    downsample = 0.5


Create the tilt shift effect with the initial parameters.




Set the size of the focus plane in normalized (0-1) image units.


Get the size of the focus plane in normalized (0-1) image units.


Set the size of the focus to blur gradient in normalized (0-1) image units.


Get the size of the focus to blur gradient in normalized (0-1) image units.


Set the blur radius, in pixels. A higher radius make the image blurrier, but requires more processing time.


Get the blur radius, in pixels.


Set the blur scale. Scaling upwards will increase the blurriness without needing extra processing, but at a loss in quality.


Get the blur scale. This effectively scales the radius, without increasing the number of samples taken.


Set the downsample scale factor for the incoming image before performing the blur.

Lowering the downsample size will reduce processing time, but at a loss in quality.


Get the downsample scale factor.


Set the rotation angle of the focus plane, in degrees. 0 is upward, and positive angles go clockwise.


Get the rotation angle of the focus plane, in degrees.


Set the [x,y] center of the focus plane in normalized (0-1) image units. The focus plane will be rotated about this center.


Get the [x,y] center of the focus plane in normalized (0-1) image units.

This effect can be registered with vizconfig.

import vizfx.postprocess
from vizfx.postprocess.blur import TiltShiftEffect
effect = TiltShiftEffect(blurRadius=4)

Radial Tilt Shift

Applies a radial tilt shift blur to the image. This effectively creates a circular area in the image that is in focus and the pixels gradually become unfocused (blurred) as they move away from the circle.




    radius = 0.3,

    gradientSize = 0.3,

    blurRadius = 0.0,

    blurScale = 1.0,

    center = (0.5, 0.5),

    downsample = 0.5


Create the radial tilt shift effect with the initial parameters.




Set the focal radius in normalized (0-1) image units.


Get the focal radius in normalized (0-1) image units.


Set the size of the focus to blur gradient in normalized (0-1) image units.


Get the size of the focus to blur gradient in normalized (0-1) image units.


Set the blur radius, in pixels. A higher radius make the image blurrier, but requires more processing time.


Get the blur radius, in pixels.


Set the blur scale. Scaling upwards will increase the blurriness without needing extra processing, but at a loss in quality.


Get the blur scale. This effectively scales the radius, without increasing the number of samples taken.


Set the downsample scale factor for the incoming image before performing the blur.

Lowering the downsample size will reduce processing time, but at a loss in quality.


Get the downsample scale factor.


Set the [x,y] center of the focus circle in normalized (0-1) image units.


Get the [x,y] center of the focus circle in normalized (0-1) image units.

This effect can be registered with vizconfig.

import vizfx.postprocess
from vizfx.postprocess.blur import RadialTiltShiftEffect
effect = RadialTiltShiftEffect(radius=0.2, gradientSize=0.4, blurRadius=4, center=(0.7,0.7))

Post-Process Basics

Color Effects

Distort Effects

Blur Effects

Transform Effects

Composite Effects